Monday, July 18, 2011

Dungeon siege 3 glitch, cant move?

Just started today I was playing and suddenly my character started to walk straight into the corner of the room in the middle of a fight and I couldn't stop it and every now and then mostly during fights he just stops and no buttons on the controller work except the main xbox button so after a while it will work again but its annoying it keeps happening. I want to be able to fix the problem, its either 1 of 3 things 1. my xbox witch I doubt because all my other game games are fine 2. The game, it could be but I installed it to the xbox 3. My controller which is most likely because I've dropped it loads and when it disconnects from the xbox I cant get it to reconnect unless I turn my xbox off and on but it can still be any of the 3 possibilities what would be the best way to fix the problem.

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