Monday, July 11, 2011

Can i join the army if i cant salute?

Ok so you are all probably wondering why i cant salute. well i shell tell you ok so when i was 15 years old i was chasing my little bro down drive way at full speed and at the time we had a big storage room with really cheep windows and i mean if you hit it with a pebble they would shatter into thousands of peaces or if you slammed the door hard enough the window would brake so any way back to the story my little bro ran in to that storage room and slammed the door in my face so my reaction was to put my right hand out to stop myself from running into the door but my hand missed the frame and went through the window at first i thought i was ok but then i saw my bro just standing there shaking saying your wrist your wrist so i look down just to see i had just cut my arteries,nerves and tendons so after being brought to the ER and haveing 5 surgery's and 11/2 years of physical therapy i finely was able to use my hand agen but the only thing i cant do is move my fingers sideways and the doc said they did all they can do for me. So do i have to be able to solute in order to join the military. ps this is not a joke so please do not joke around this is my dream i want to serve.

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