Monday, July 11, 2011

I'm in a weird situation?

so i was sitting on the couch in my living room watching csi wearing a shirt with a peanut on it when all of the sudden, a green, flying elephant from saturn wearing a ballerina tutu tried to eat my shirt off. so i ran and got on my bike with no wheels and peddled it backswards up the great pyramid of giza, and once i got over the pyramid, i stopped to tie my shoelace. when i got back up, i was inside a super mario bros. game. when i was attacked by a flying turtle, for some reason i screamed mamma-mia, then the screen went black for 2 seconds before i landed in a place called oz, and some weird smelling guy told me to follow a yellow brick road to graceland to see elvis, but on my way, i fell into a black hole and landed in bikini bottom, where i sort of couldn't breath, so i ran into some underwater squirrels tree dome to get air where i was shot by al capone after i refused to give him a stick of my gum. after i was shot, i woke up naked (i REALLY wonder how that happened....)in some imaginary cartoon like place and realized i was a cartoon too. next to me there was a tootsie pop, and all of the sudden for no reason i just wanted to no how many licks it takes to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop, so i was walking around asking a bunch of talking animals, and they all told me i had to ask mr hitler. so i asked him, "Mr. Hitler, how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?" So he took it and amazingly he licked it into a statue of him doing his weird salute in only just 119 licks. frustrated, i walked away only to fall into a deep dark hole, which i have been stuck in for three days. but all of the sudden, just like 30 minutes ago, my laptop came floating down the hole with angel wings, but once i grabbed it, the wings blew up (bummer). i don't need to know how to get out of here, there's just one thing i want to know before i die...if a tree falls down in a forest and no one's around to hear it, does it make a noise?

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