Monday, July 18, 2011

Is it okay to keep gasoline in the shed?

I know many people keep gas in a gas container in their shed for their lawnmowers; however, is it really safe to do so when the temperature is approx 100 degrees outside? Thanks in advance.

My Boyfriend CHANGED soo much :( why?

well i have 2 bruises & one scratch with a bruise ... last night i told him my bruise hurts and he started poking it really hard and i tried to stop him but he kept doing it & he thought it was funny... i started to have tears coz the pain... he got mad we got into an argument .. he told me i have to handle pain... and in a way i might be pregnant.. but he still doubts its his child... he was NEVER like this... hes like a completely different person

What has been your favorite USA Military paint/decal Scheme this NASCAR season so far.?

Every one of them. Anyone who chooses to honor our military and our country this way is just awesome in my book.

Is Dr. Patrick Nolan an idiot or a neo-nazi?

He is right. We can not afford to pay billions of ����s a year on pensions and other freebies to everyone when they reach 65 and one way around it is to increase the retirement age to seventy...and not everyone who reaches 65 wants to retire so why force perfectly fit and healthy people into retirement when they want to carry on working

Jeep mechanic in athens, ga?

I'm looking for a Jeep mechanic in the Athens, Ga area. I can smell gasoline really strong for about the first 100 miles when I fill my tank. I've read online and it seems to point toward a leaky seal. Anyone have any suggestions of a trustworthy mechanic that could take a look at it?

Will the San Francisco Infant Circumcision Ban Pass on the November 8 Ballot this year?

If the Ban becomes Law, then any Circumcise Wise Guy or Wise Gal can be prosecuted for Unlawful Foreskin Removal to a Child under the age of 18. I support the Ban, and I Salute Nancy Pelosi for supporting this measure of skin recovery. Jews and Muslims are protesting the Ban....what else is new. Have Girls and you wont be having problems with the Law.

My Under Arms Sweat ALOT! Help?

baby powder has always helped me, except it leaves a whole bunch of white powder so that people stare at you, thinking what the hell is that?

Dungeon siege 3 glitch, cant move?

Just started today I was playing and suddenly my character started to walk straight into the corner of the room in the middle of a fight and I couldn't stop it and every now and then mostly during fights he just stops and no buttons on the controller work except the main xbox button so after a while it will work again but its annoying it keeps happening. I want to be able to fix the problem, its either 1 of 3 things 1. my xbox witch I doubt because all my other game games are fine 2. The game, it could be but I installed it to the xbox 3. My controller which is most likely because I've dropped it loads and when it disconnects from the xbox I cant get it to reconnect unless I turn my xbox off and on but it can still be any of the 3 possibilities what would be the best way to fix the problem.

Should I go back and see him again?

I could've sword I saw this question before maybe with some details changed? Also 17 yr old working as a janitor what?

Does life get any better after high school?

High school hasn't exactly been great. not going into detail with all that's gone on, but I'm having doubts about life when you finish it. From what I hear, isn't it just way more stressful after graduation? like holding a job, paying bills, raising a family (if thats your thing) and college and a long list of things that I won't continue to list? is it really worth living when the 4 years are over?

I have been with my boyfriend five years im 22 he is 30 i accuse him alot and nag him alot its like a disease?

i cant stop he takes care of home he does for my little girl and she is not his we have one on the way though and it will be his first child. My problem is that i found a condom in his coat pockett three years ago he said he didnt use them i found it again this year once and last year once i know he cud be lien but he swears me down he does not cheat. I wanna believe him and give him the benefit of the doubt. Should i forgive him....this man does anything for me and my child and now im carrying his first child do you all think he can change if he is cheating. I really cant say he is doing anything he is always with me and is in the house early everynight now since he found out im pregnant. were having a girl. How can we make this work? He does not seem to wanna be with anybody else he says he wants to get married and b a family idk what to do but i know i should stop nagging him so much being that he brings in the bread

What is the name of the movie?

I watched a movie in my childhood about 15 years ago i dont know the name and remember anything except some glimpses . one of the scenes is that allied forces are traveling in a train. An undercover german officer (in uniform of lower rank officer but infact a high rank officer) pretending as belonging to allied forces is also with them.. at one station the gestapo agent get off the train where there are many german soldiers. the agent introduce himself to the soldier and soldier salutes him. The undercover soldier asks german soldiers to arrest the allied forces soldiers in the train. allied forces’ soldier see this and understood that he is an spy. In the mean time the train starts to move and allied forces are saved from being captured. can somebody tell me the name of the movie i desperately wish to watch that movie again.

Wanna hear what *possibly* could be a ghost story?

I was vacuuming out my room today, and when I was vacuuming the area inside my closet, the vacuum cleaner started going crazy for a sec, and when it stopped, one of our cat's little stuffed mouse toys was just lying there. It's like it suddenly appeared there, because I've never even seen it lying there. Maybe it came out of the vacuum, but the mouse still looked like it was in pretty good condition, not like it has been in a vacuum, and it doesn't even look small enough that it could get sucked into a vacuum. The toy is about, maybe 2 inches wide, and 1 inch thick? It's one of those catnip toys too. And our cats couldn't have brought into my room, because there's never any chance for them to get into my room, because I always close my door the second I go out of my room. And I highly doubt my family would just throw it into my closet to pull some sort of prank. I'm probably going to sound stupid, and you guys can laugh if you want, and it's probably nothing paranormal, but it kind of freaked me out ;) What do you guys think?

Can you force bend wood?

well im building a guitar and the rosewood bridge isn't sitting flat on the soundboard and i need it to or else it wont have the strength to hold the strings. so my question is can i bend the bridge slightly like 1cm on each side to create a small curve by soaking it in water but instead of heating it clamping it to a peace of wood close to the desired angle. or would it crack. if not will i have to let it dry out for a longtime to make sure that it doesn't try and shrink once its been glued on the soundboard. well i hope someone can answer this but i doubt it.

Is Nancy Pelosi just batchit crazy?

That's Pelosi for you. Elections shouldn't matter that much unless she is the one winning, and OBLs assassination wasn't a big deal until a Progressive was in charge. I have yet to understand how this woman remains in power.

Working moms & SAHM's: Will you give me your honest opinions please?

I think you should follow your heart. If your heart says that the right thing to do is take the internship and finish then GO FOR IT. If you heart says, "let it go and stay at home", then by all means become that stay at home mom. You only live once so do what makes you happy regardless of what the logical thing may be to do.

I'm a bi boy I have a question about my crush?

Tell him that you're not into games and he if he likes you then he should be with you. However, this method is risky and could lead to a painful answer. But that's how you move on.

What is Shirk and what is Kufr? I need some serious help?

SalamShirk is believing another power which can be asked for help and be worshipped besides Allah so we will have great sins and unforgivable. Kuffr is disbelieving the existence of Allah

Spilled gasoline on garage floor, help?

I spilled gasoline on the garage floor and I need help getting rid of the smell. I can't let my parents find out I spilled gasoline. I put salt on it because that's the best i had and then i covered it. How long will it smell in there? Is there anything I can do?

Is it normal to receive a lot of "eye contact" from a woman who's been in a long term relationship with a guy?

She's probably into you or maybe she just finds u very attractive I'm a female and super straight but whenever I see a beautiful woman I can't help but stare maybe start talking to you just like friends and see how it goes from there

Is it possible to build a safe compressed gas tank that is not cylindrical in shape?

I am trying to convert a gasoline engine to natural gas without the tanks taking up so much space in the rear of the vehicle.

Problems with traps. Fat sitting on top or Muscle imbalance?

Ok, I kind of have a problem and I'm not sure if it's serious or not. Everytime I get into a push up position I look in the mirror with my shirt off and notice that my right trap seems to be bigger than my left. But when I'm standing straight both sides are aligned. I've recently booked an appointment with my doctor to see if I have some problem with my spine, but I highly doubt it since scoliosis doesn't run in my family. Other than that I'm 5'8, Male, and 150LB...and I do admit I'm kind of chubby lol. So, I'm not sure if this is a muscle imbalance or just fat sitting on my one side. I know you can't spot reduce, but I'd like to know if anyone has come across this before. Oh yea, I've also started going to the gym with my brother to get fit, but not entirely sure if it's fat or not. Thanks in advance!

Commercial with the saluting little boy?

has anyone seen that commercial where the older brother is teaching the younger brother how to salute and then their dad comes home from the military and the little brother runs up to him and salutes before he hugs him? i can't find it anywhere and i really want to see it again!

Why don't more people have an appreciation for the Armed Forces?

Today is Armed Forces Day. Now more than ever we must support our Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, National Guard, Coast Guard, Merchant marines. As a former USAF Officer, I salute the men amd Women who wear the Military Uniform and serve the USA. God Bless Them and God Bless America.

Thoughts on this short piece I wrote?

I like it a lot, but I must say, it would be something Green Day would write if they were into poetry! =D But really, it's a great piece.

Individual shows in showing classes?

keep it short and simple so people dont get bored. usually you will come out of the line, stand with your horse side on to the judge so he/she can see your horse and the judge might ask you a couple of questions, then walk forward, do a trot circle, a canter circle then come back to trot or walk and change the rein across the diagonal and do the same on the other rein and then stop, walk so your near the judge and halt and salute. also when your doing your show, use as much space as you can.

Video of 2011 chevrolet commercial?

A war soldier comes home in a chevy and a little kid salutes him. cant find it on youtube, anyone help please?

Can Acid/LSD kill you?

Chances are, its not oging to kill you , regardless of weight class .... but a person could suffer from an allergic reaction to a substance found in LSD ...

I WANT TO ACT but is it too late?

I would start out with the acting classes and then moving on to community theatre, it is NEVER too late to start acting, or doing anything you feel that you were meant to do. Community theatre can open many doors and help pad your resume, after that I would keep your ears out for any open casting calls in your area. Good luck I hope this helps!

Why did god make me so ugly?

You are not ugly! You just need confidence in yourself! Love yourself for who you are. The least favourite things that you don't like about yourself might be somebodies favourite! <3

Would somebody please rate my essay Do the benefits of technology outweigh the risks?

On a scale of 1-10 currently 4. Clearly that isn't the whole of the essay (unless it is an answer to a test question) and as an opening paragraph it does not state what the essay is about. First sentence seems like a run on sentence and should be shortened. It is unclear to me which subject the essay will be about. Is it the adaptation of humans to our technology? Our adapting to the changing state of our technology? Or is it about our choosing convenience over responsibility and environmental stewardship?

Need Help on What to do PLEASE!?

Last night we had a freak storm with strong winds which not only knocked down a palm tree in my complex but also my scooter. This morning I found it knocked on its side with the cover smelling like gasoline and the bike as well. There was also a puddle on the grown which I assume was also gasoline. I'm not an expert in bikes so I don't know what to do. Im afraid that if I start it some spark will set it on fire or something. What should I check for to make sure it is alright? ANY help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

What is the most beautiful bird to have as a pet?

That looks like a yellow/red conure? I tight it was rlly pretty but I doubt my parent would pay above 100 dollars for a bird sadly anyways thanks :3

Everyone What are you doin on the 4th?

Hey everyone hows it goin..Im just curiouse what everyone is doin this 4th of july.. As for me im thinkin of a cook out .. lite off some fireworks and fire off my salute cannon a time.. How bout you ???

Does this guy sound autistic to you, or is he just really shy?

Honestly, what business is it of yours? Be kind and stay out of his personal life. If he wants to tell you what, if anything, is wrong with him he will. Otherwise, stay out of it.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Should I join the Marine Corp before or after I attend college?

Once youre 18 it doesn't matter. Do what YOU want to do. I didnt join the Marines because my parents, friends, girlfriend wanted or didnt want me to. I did it because I wanted to. If you wanna come in and try to be an officer youre gonna have to get college first. If you have some college you can probably come in a contract PFC and skip private. Or you can join right away and work your way up through the enlisted ranks. No way is a bad way. Just do what you want to do.

Did i **** up my friendship?! *more than 5 answers please.?

Kay so people think fuckn my bestfriend is okay.. i love him always have always will he is just someone who will stay in my heart. We used to be together two years aqo.. we were realllllly wasted though and didnt know what we were doing.. i feel like we ruined what we have. What shud i do? Besides talk to him, i doubt we will

What should i do? I don't know what to do?

well, with that description of that girl, you should probably break up with her. If she likes your friends and doesn't pay attention to what you are saying than you need to break up. And you don't need to feel used or hurt..

Unsure of Problem? Transmission, Perhaps? White Smoke Observed.?

I encountered a recent conflict with my 2002 Honda Odyssey during a road trip. As I was driving at a constant speed b/w 75-80 mph, at one point, my transmission odometer climbed from 2-5 very quickly; the pedals felt as if I had switched gears and shifted. Almost immediately, there was a great cloud of white smoke coming out from the hood. The white smoke had a foul stench in it, and at first, I thought something was overheated. Coolant levels seem fine. Engine oil levels were okay as well (there was no engine light on either). However, the transmission oil was literally gone and had lost its typical "pinkish" color; in place of it was a nasty, burned out odor. I do not know what happened. Later, when I re-fueled, and continued home at slower speeds (around 50-55 mph), the gasoline levels went down very, very rapidly. I went to Advanced AutoZone, and they suggested I replace a circuit sensor? in which I did. However, this still does not explain what caused the white smoke in the first place, or the possible transmission errors. Please help! Thank you.

I would just like to know if I buy a gasoline trike then is it compulsory to have a license to ride this?

Depends on what kind of "trike" you want to buy. If it's a three-wheeled ATV, then NO. You can't ride it on public roadways. If it's a three-wheeled motorcycle, then you'll need a motorcycle operator's license to ride it, and it must be licensed and insured as a motorcycle. If it's something else, then you'll have to ask your local department of motor vehicles.

I have a dressage show tomorrow, any tips?

I'm 27 and have been riding english since I was 4. I actually have only ever shown hunter and my last show was when I was 17. So it's been 10 years. Tomorrow will be my first dressage show EVER! I'm competing in the 2011 USDF Intro tests A and C. I am confident about remembering the test and I just have to remember to focus on showing my horse and thinking one step ahead about what I'm doing and where I'm going. Riding her up and into the bit, maintaining bend, half halts into downward transitions, firm halt at X so she'll square up, balanced seat, etc. Since it's a small show tomorrow, tests are not split up into age groups. I'll be competing mostly all against kids. haha I'm also sharing the horse I'm riding with another kid at the barn I ride at. Ok so I know to smile when I ride in the test, as I salute, and also at the end. It can give the judge a good impression and help them remember you. What else can I do to be at my best? I don't know how good these kids are and I'm not worried about it, but I also want to do my best. Thanks:)

Stopping square in dressage tests?

My trainer always reminds us that the halt is a forward movement. So what I do is I sit down about five strides before where I am supposed to halt. I then half-halt two or three strides out from the halt. Squeeze with the thigh, push your horse into the bridle, aaaaand halt. It always sounds silly to me, pushing a horse into stopping, but trust me, it works. Darn near every time I ride my halts like that my horse stops square, or very close to it. I can even get my five year old OTTB, who has been in training for two months or so, to halt square.

Good Intense action songs?

Like for an intense action scene in a movie. Songs like Gasoline- Audioslave, Just like you Imagined- NIN, and Invaders must die- The prodigy.

What grade of gasoline should one use to fuel a 98' firebird with the 5.7 engine?

I'm debating buying a nicer car as my civic is a definit chick repelent, that bring said I'm used to good mileage on regular octane levels. I'm just curious what fuel I would need to use and if anyone can give me a rough estimate of mpg?

Why do people say black men get trashy white women when?

Its either the other way round or they're both ugly. White women no matter how attractive get ugly black men. When was the last time you saw an attractive black man with a white women Will Smith, Floyd Mayweather, Lance Gross, Idris Elba etc. Everywhere I've gone, I only see handsome black men with black women or they stay single. Even if a white women is attractive if she is attracted to a black man she'll be ugly by us white men and will never be able to come back. There you go white women, truth hurts doesn't it, black men don't want you but we do which is why you should stick by us. All these years of thinking black men are attracted to you only to find out its the ugly ones attracted to you, your not desirable to them. If your not attracted to black men I salute you.

How can people stand to live in the country?

Its just to quite no cable tv, you have to get wireless internet, everything is to far away, people are too friendly, I love the smell of gasoline in the morning, people live to far apart, gets boring, no electronic stores, no cell phone service

Mucus comes out when in same position after intercourse..any remedy for this?

I'm trying to conceive. After having intercourse, my friends suggested me to be in the same position in order for the sperm to get into the fallopian tubes. My doubt is that whether to be in a position(doggy position) as same as while having the intercourse or can lie down in the horizontal position. I didn't change the position for 15 minutes and after that I stretched my legs and kept them in a horizontal position which is very similar to the one while we sleep. But I noticed that part of the mucus/semen came out from my vagina. Can anyone tell me in which position should we keep in order to attain pregnancy?

JUST GOT REJECTED...How do i get her off my mind!!!!!!?

Get pissed, work out and do some good hard work to physically get yourself out of it, hang out a lot with bros and only bros who will do the right thing and talk about how she's a witch, and have a cigar.

Po455 check engine light 2004 toyota camry se 3.3 v6?

i had this check engine light on for about 1 week now. i was told that its an emission code? does that mean i would need new hoses or anything? or is it a major leak? because i cant smell any gasoline. and my car is not leaking nothing. so, im confused. i dont want to take it to a shop and have them charge me 200.00 labor..for a small job. please. help.

How much damage is done to children required to stand up for religious beliefs they truly cannot grasp clearly?

These lunatics will never learn that this kind of religious practice is very harmful and should be illegal.

Problem with traps. Muscle imbalance or just fat sitting on top?

Ok, I kind of have a problem and I'm not sure if it's serious or not. Everytime I get into a push up position I look in the mirror with my shirt off and notice that my right trap seems to be bigger than my left. But when I'm standing straight both sides are aligned. I've recently booked an appointment with my doctor to see if I have some problem with my spine, but I highly doubt it since scoliosis doesn't run in my family. Other than that I'm 5'8, Male, and 150LB...and I do admit I'm kind of chubby lol. So, I'm not sure if this is a muscle imbalance or just fat sitting on my one side. I know you can't spot reduce, but I'd like to know if anyone has come across this before. Oh yea, I've also started going to the gym with my brother to get fit, but not entirely sure if it's fat or not. Thanks in advance!

Transmission Problems?

I encountered a recent conflict with my 2002 Honda Odyssey during a road trip. As I was driving at a constant speed b/w 75-80 mph, at one point, my transmission odometer climbed from 2-5 very quickly; the pedals felt as if I had switched gears and shifted. Almost immediately, there was a great cloud of white smoke coming out from the hood. The white smoke had a foul stench in it, and at first, I thought something was overheated. Coolant levels seem fine. Engine oil levels were okay as well (there was no engine light on either). However, the transmission oil was literally gone and had lost its typical "pinkish" color; in place of it was a nasty, burned out odor. I do not know what happened. Later, when I re-fueled, and continued home at slower speeds (around 50-55 mph), the gasoline levels went down very, very rapidly. I went to Advanced AutoZone, and they suggested I replace a circuit sensor? in which I did. However, this still does not explain what caused the white smoke in the first place, or the possible transmission errors. Please help! Thank you.

Myspace account deletion?

i dont have my password or email for my old myspace, and i know you can contact myspace to get your account deleted if you send a salute, but the thing is is that my old myspace doesnt even have any pictures of me on it, so i dont see what good a salute would do? but if i sent one anyways would they delete it??

Are the beer companies offering more than beer and a salute to the troops returning?

These recent beer commercials (Busch and Miller) honoring the troops coming home may be shallow if they aren't offering something more. Veterans need not be encouraged to drink when they get home. Coupled with post traumatic stress, alcohol is possibly deadly.

Why is it called a twenty-one gun salute?

There are seven soldiers, who take three shots. There's twenty one shots fired but not twenty one guns at the ceremony, Why isn't it called a twenty one shot salute

P0455 camry 2004 se 3.3 v6?

i had this check engine light on for about 1 week now. i was told that its an emission code? does that mean i would need new hoses or anything? or is it a major leak? because i cant smell any gasoline. and my car is not leaking nothing. so, im confused. i dont want to take it to a shop and have them charge me 200.00 labor..for a small job. please. help.

HELP PLEASE about me and my girl friend?

He sounds like an asshole of a father, he deserves to lose his daughter. He should respect his daughters wishes, just be happy because she is. Marry her man, who cares about the father. ahah

Why do spec-ops teams consists mainly of white people?

Honestly here's the reason why I think that is, training for spec ops as a civilian takes Money. You need to have access to a sizable pool like a 25m, you need access to excercise equipment which needs to be purchased or at a gym, if you are trying to enter a spec ops group with alot of emphasis in water training like air force spec ops or navy spec ops you need to practics fin swimming which costs about 75 bucks. If you aren't attending some sort of crossfit gym or another intense workout gym you need to have acces to a computer and Internet to find out how to do these wrkouts on your own. Minorities usually do not live in middle class or upper middle class enviroments or have that kind of income. That is why you will find less of them.

I said "No Thanks" to the privacy policy.?

Did it REALLY take me off the "Big Brother" list? I doubt it. This topic is being discussed in the "Law & Ethics" category. A paralegal had posted an "answer" that the purpose of gathering info like this is for prosecuting online criminal activities & that if you aren't doing anything wrong you shouldn't worry. Are you kidding? Can people be this ignorant and naive? Yahoo, I've tried to support you through the past 15 years but you keep cancelling services (Briefcase, 360, etc), providing notice after you remove services or take actions, and now you want to spy on me? I'll be cancelling my Yahoo account now. I'd rather pay for email than have anyone spying on me.

Cena/rock WM 28 results!! OMG!!! Agree/Disagree?

Cena will win the match and his music will hit, cena celebrates for awhile, but after awhile Rock will recover and get up, cena music fades out, silence and a stare down, then rock will start clapping or nodding his head kinda like " aight son, you got me and now you got my respect" they'll have a mutual respect handshake or hug or some other dumb stuff like that, then the rocks music will hit and then cena will leave the ring to let rock pander to the fans, as he's leaving the ring he's gonna occasionally look back to rock and give him more props or do his salute, Rock acknowledges it, gives him props back, cena exits, rock in the ring with music for awhile as he gets a good standing ovation, and to pander and work the crowd more, eventually ppv is over as rock exits, it's so predictable and cliche for these kinda matches

Song I'm Looking For But Can't Find?

All the lyrics I can remember are "You aint gotta worry cuz its down for me. I like the way he makes me feel." It's hip-hop. Not that Barbara whatever her name is crap. i doubt anyone knows what i'm talking about but its worth a try.

The gasoline is leaking from the gas tank...?

Chevy S 10, Pickup, 1999, 6-cyl , 4.3 L. I got the truck few days ago, every things is working fine. But, when I go to the Gas station and start filling up the gas tank around 18 gallons (gas tank was almost empty), it filled up only 14 gallons and i noticed like gasoline leaking from the car on the ground. I checked it to find where the leak was coming from and I find, the leaking was from the rubber hose which is going from the gas tank and connecting with metall pipe right at the clamp. I don't know what to do with it. I all ready tried to tighten the clamp but it doesn't work. Any ideas ?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Should I be concerned about my stomach?

Ok so at about 2 AM this morning I started getting a VERY upset stomach as in burning like I just drunk gasoline and then feeling like I had to vomit every 5 seconds. I can't drink or eat anything without my stomach burning then feeling like I have to puke plus Im very dizzy and cant sleep because of this crap. What should I do? Ive tried acid reducers and everything and nothing seems to be working....

Can any one who can suggest me with my issue :(?

I am in love with a girl since 2008 and we met frequently and she is one of my close relative. She love me madly and in return I love her with all my heart. There is no doubts in our love and we decided to get married after getting approval from our parents. My parents agreed and her mom agreed first and she is the only person started proposal with our parents. After one and half year now, she do not want her daughter to marry me. We still love each other and we use to talk over phone everyday. I live 200 miles far from her. She just called me and she was telling me what her mother says about our marriage. I was helping her family when my girl friend was in college and she ow work in a government financial sector. Now her mother totally opposes me and moreover she says that I m a fraud and many other things in order to make her daughters brain up. But honestly saying I do not have any bad thoughts about my girl friend and I m just sincere, I do not know why her mother suspects me and she need my help when they are down and now they are financially good and she claims that I am a fraud. Can I speak to her directly about this matter. I do not know what to do. I just told my girl friend that I do not want to get any approval to our marriage. If she really loves me then we can probably to for a register marriage in India. But my girl friend says we shall wait for some days so that her mother's mind can change. I really do not know what I can do with this bloody issue. I am not able to concentrate in my work. Suggestions please

I bought a inline fuel filter for my atv. Should the gas go from top to bottom for from bottom to top (pic)?

flat end towards carb. tapered end toward tank,if you look close there should be an arrow pointing to carb,direction or fuel flow be safe my friend

I remember seeing an anime movie with a forest spirit who was almost like water, I don't know what its called?

To be honest I never actually saw it, I thought maybe that it was Princess Mononoke but I just watching it and didn't have the character that I'm seeing in my minds eye. I was similar in the feel of the movie so I thought it was by the same creator, but I cant find it their ether. The spirit was a girl no doubt, she was a teal color of greens and blues, he hair flowed like water as she moved about a forest. I think I saw it during a commercial I guess I just want to know if it was something I really saw or my mind just fabricated.

How to get to my gas tank 1999 tahoe?

have you tried changing the fuel filter first? if it is clogged up it will prevent it from starting or check out the fuel pump relay and fuse.Anyways if you drop the tank you will have to do it from the bottom.

Can the "Persecution Of Jehovah's Witnesses" just get any worse?

That's because it's a creepy American pseudo-religion that uses doomsday scare tactics to control and exploit gullible people. JWs have no conscience and no accountability.

Horror ! was he snopping on my internet browsing ?!?

it is true that there are a few ways to see such things, although none of them simplistic, however, unless you have proof, I suppose you just need to be more careful. If they can hack, or are a skilled comp. tech. then I guess you have reason to be concerned...

What is the best present for my wife, on our wedding anniversary?

something you'd both lie more of her likening but its not about the gift its about how much love you put in it

On base, if you come across an officer from the Reserves do you have to salute?

An NCO once told us that you could flip him the middle if you wanted to, they have no authority over full time troops..not taking his word for it.

What Do You Think Of My Poem?

You destroyed the flow to make it rhyme. It doesn't matter if it rhymes if it's hard to read in your head. Look at Robert Frost or Shakespeare for examples of unobtrusive rhyming with rhythm.

Can you use gasoline instead of E85 on your truck?

I have a truck, and it use E85 fuel, can I use gasoline instead of E85. Does this change will damage my truck engine.

I was just wondering, Have you ever been...?

Has a troll ever made you laugh? Or just smile even? I think there are some really funny trolls out there. And I salute you trolls... now start being serious.

Would you agree that most people are police cult followers who are too stupid to think for themselves?

Anything that police tell them they believe and don't question it. Police are given the benefit of the doubt just because of the costume they wear!

What does my dream mean? (very strange and detailed)?

your fighting for something but you dont exactly know what it is or where your coming from. your not sure of your reasons or views on the cause for the fight.

Need help putting someone in their place!?

I have two children with my partner. his parents insisted that he have a paternity for our first child despite the fact that they looked identical. My partner denied the paternity in court because he had no doubts it was his son. now we just had our second child and this babe looks like me this time and again his parents want a paternity done. they are paying for it and i told my partner that we should just take the test to shut them up. so we are going to take the paternity. after all is said and done and the results are back positive that he is in fact his father i want to say something to his parents. but im not sure what. i want it to set them straight that it hurts me that they assume im a whore and that it hurts my partner that they under estimate his judgment. any suggestions on what to say?

What should i do? I don't know what to do?

well, with that description of that girl, you should probably break up with her. If she likes your friends and doesn't pay attention to what you are saying than you need to break up. And you don't need to feel used or hurt..

Why did Miami Heat players hang their heads down and refused to place hand over heart durng the Nat. Anthem?

Reminded me of the Olyphics when the black players gave the black power salute and hung their heads down.

Is it normal to receive a lot of "eye contact" from a woman who's been in a long term relationship with a guy?

Well, it sounds like she's secretly lesbian, or is bi. Maybe shes not getting luv from her man like she wants

Gasoline spilled on my iphone 4, what do I do?

I can see it in the screen. Oddly enough it still works but its not nearly as bright as before. How do I get it out?

Downtalking our prez?!?!, wow, I cant believe people out there with their doubts!?

he is just a fine fine president, he never would tell a lie, I know that, he certainly wouldn't want to harm his own people inside of his own country that he leads, he was properly elected, he went to columbia, he tried hard to not hire so many lobbyists in his administration and that was all I needed because that was aTRUE EFFORT, even if it was that he just had to hire A FEW!, maybe he will lead this country out from under the shadow of debt.!, maybe I myself like him will be stronger now in light of his accomplishments and not salute our flag!

Is there any jobs for mechanics of gasoline in Arlington TX?

I don't know of any mechanics of gasoline, but I know heaps of gasoline engine mechanics. In fact, I used to be one.

Can anyone give me a Chelsea team who can defeat Barcelona?

Great performance by Barcelona in the final, all salutes and congradulations to them for playing such wonderful football.

I wrote a poem when I was overseas. What do you Think?

You have a great poem, it shows your love for your country, you should send this to your local newspaper. It tells Just what i feel about our country. From one vet. to another, thank you for your service. (consider publishing your poem, Your work has great potential.)

How come the Youtube subscription module is so TERRIBLE?

Im actually kinda aggravated with this but on my insight it shows that only 2% of my viewers on Youtube come from the subscription module. I don't do sub4sub so all of my subscribers are legit but I have 895 and I barely can push 200 views that means only 17 out of 895 click on my videos from subscriptions I really doubt I have 878 inactive subscribers so whats going on!?

Hi............. i run bussiness in kerala my , my clients are from US?

does any one know where to buy foreign liquour (black label chivas royal salute ) in kerala .... i rly need to tk cr of my clients pls do help me...

Suggest me in this critical situation..!?

I am in love with a girl since 2008 and we met frequently and she is one of my close relative. She love me madly and in return I love her with all my heart. There is no doubts in our love and we decided to get married after getting approval from our parents. My parents agreed and her mom agreed first and she is the only person started proposal with our parents. After one and half year now, she do not want her daughter to marry me. We still love each other and we use to talk over phone everyday. I live 200 miles far from her. She just called me and she was telling me what her mother says about our marriage. I was helping her family when my girl friend was in college and she ow work in a government financial sector. Now her mother totally opposes me and moreover she says that I m a fraud and many other things in order to make her daughters brain up. But honestly saying I do not have any bad thoughts about my girl friend and I m just sincere, I do not know why her mother suspects me and she need my help when they are down and now they are financially good and she claims that I am a fraud. Can I speak to her directly about this matter. I do not know what to do. I just told my girl friend that I do not want to get any approval to our marriage. If she really loves me then we can probably to for a register marriage in India. But my girl friend says we shall wait for some days so that her mother's mind can change. I really do not know what I can do with this bloody issue. I am not able to concentrate in my work. Suggestions please

If i was the lowest rank of officer in the RAF who would i get saluted by?

All ranks up to and including Warrant Officer are required to salute an officer holding the Queen's Commission.

Dropped out, What now?

I dropped out about two years ago mostly because I was put in a lower educational level class because I skipped school quite often, So because I skipped school they determined I had retard level education. I don't want to go back to high school i highly doubt they would let me if i asked, So what do i do now? I could try to get a GED but what does a GED really do. Is a GED as good a HS Diploma? If not then how would i go about earning my HS Diploma without actually going back to high school. I assume this all depends on my location. Well i live in Ontario, Canada. Any information is appreciated. Thank you.

How is BSA edge electric sccoter is it worth buy?

I recently learned that BSA edge electric scooter has planetary gears. how about the pick up when campared with other e sccoters and gasoline ones. is it worth buy

Friday, July 15, 2011

How does a MA/MP arrest an O6 and above?

MPs have the same exact authority as the commander where ever they are stationed. They can arrest an 0-9 if they do something illegal.

Who has "The Essential Bob Dylan" CD?

I have that CD, but it doesn't say "digitally remastered". The sound qualitly is great though, bar a few songs.

Shold we get Prince William to teach Obama how to salute?

I was so impressed with him during the Royal Wedding. Here he is sitting next to the most beautiful bride ever, and everytime he came upon other soldiers, he sat up straight and saluted him comrads with honor. Ever see Obama when he gets off either Airforce One, or Marine One? He barely salutes the soldier, never makes eye contact, and does some kind of dead fish thing with his hand. He's a discrace to our country.

Had my left wisdom teeth removed last thursday, and I'm suppose to get the stitches out today,?

Yeah, it'd still be good to go in no matter how bad, or good you're feeling. If everything is alright they're just take them out, if somethings not right it's always better to take care of it sooner then later.

Anyone want to be that Liberals and Democrats will be Angry at Oil Companies when they make the "New Gas"?

Oh they will be protesting and whining and secretly using it but still complaining at starbucks and in the welfare office line

Something is wrong with my IP, help please?

I think your provider use IP static or shared IP, in my country most GSM broadband like as Hutchison and CDMA flexy TELKOM also use it.

Don't cha just love how Pelosi is saluting Panetta and the "severe interrogation policies"?

Democrats claiming credit for any success now is the height of complete hypocrisy and falseness. It sure is delicious when they want all the credit, but then find out that yes, indeed... severe interrogation policies were used to accomplish this "Obama Gets All The Credit" mission.

Was the Muslim's statement of minutes ago, "Sunni and Shia is a political faction not a religious faction"....?

the split is based on a feud over leadership that started after mohammads death and they are still arguing about it today. Still if it gives them an excuse to slaughter each other, then they can't be joining forces to attack the rest of us.

When will the electric/hydrogen car become the standard car?

Personally I don't think it will ever become a standard but theroreticly with technology I would say 85 or so odd years with the amount of money and energy expenditure it takes to build a hybrid car you have to drive 120,000 miles to start saving energy. On top of everything else the two largest oil reserves on earth have remained roughly untapped which one is in the US and the other being in Iraq the reason I bring this up because the world runs on supply and demand if there is a steady supply and a steady demand it won't change

Does my gasoline gauge work?

Sounds like a Bad Gauge that you possible wired wrong, 94 to 97 may have different wiring patterns, Cost a little more but buy a New Gauge at NAPA or Good Auto Parts Dealer.

Need help finding a firework!!?

I need to know some good brand, cheap or decent " salute artillery shells around muskogee oklahoma area, I would appreciate it , thanx

Help Telemarketers call and give me busy signal on machine?

hunt a telezapper down on EbAy. these little guys deliver a fax-tone to the autodialer which prompts it to delete you as a number it cannot get a person from.

Pressure in my chest?

Sometimes i feel pressure in my chest and sometimes pain usually after I eat, I also sometimes feel short of breath, I think it might be heart burn but im not sure. Heart disease does run in my family and I don't eat very healthy but I am also skinny and 15 so I doubt it is a sign of heart attack. Does anyone know what it is and is it normal?

My friend is with a bad guy.?

My friend who we can call "Sarah" met this guy on the internet, we can call him "Josh". He asked her to be his GF and she agreed. The two were dating fro a while, but now she is changing. She's telling me and Katie (Our other friend) that she loves Josh so much and that he's everything to her.She's letting him control her life. She says that she would do ANYTHING for him, even if she didn't want to (If you catch my drift) and if he left her, she would seriously consider suicide. He has cheated on her with multiple girls in the past and she knows about it. She says that it's a phase he's going through and that he'll change. Anyway, he asked her to send him nude pictures and she did! :( The Sarah I knew would NEVER do anything like that. He controls everything she does and she lets him. Everything HE says is right in her opinion. She was looking for a job and he told her that women shouldn't work, that they were meant to have the kids and be house wives. She cried about it, but is still with him. We've tried everything. We've warned her that this was dangerous and that she should leave him. We've even discussed this with adults and her parents even supposedly knows, but nobody is forcing her away from him. She's only 16! I feel that she should be forbidden to speak to a perverted monster like that, weather she likes it or not. I doubt she'd listen if she was forbidden from him, though. She's so obsessed with him. She really thinks that this is love, but if it is love, why does she cry about all the mean things he says to her? Why won't anyone force her away from him? She plans to meet up with him when she's 18, but I really don't want this to happen. Katie doesn't either, but nobody will really do anything. Are Katie and I the only one with sense around here?! Nobody else seems to freakin' care! As her friend, I can't allow her to risk getting raped or controlled all her life. Josh seems like he'd be the abusive and perverted type, considering the things Sarah's told me about him. Why is she allowing herself to be treated this way? Is there anything I can do to help her? I've talked to her about it, but she refuses to leave him. I know that I seem like a controlling friend, but I've known her for so many years and I'd die if anything caused her any type of harm, weather it's physical or emotional harm. In this case, it's both.

I drove my neon home last night and when I put it in park it reved and r?

It accelerates and red lines as soon as I start the car. I also get a strong odor of gasoline. As far as I can tell the accelerator pedal isn't stuck.

Why can't we have airplanes that run on ion thrusters or electricity?

It seems like airplanes will no longer be able to be used in the future if gasoline runs out. I've heard about ion thrusters that power satellites at incredible speeds. Why can't we use them for our aircraft?

How would you get Polyurethane off of a kitten?

My brother was sealing up a hole under his counter and his kitten ran under the counter when he was trying to seal it up and got covered by the Polyurethane. Now the poor thing is like in a total body cast and he's tried everything from Dawn Soap to Gasoline to get it off. We're at a loss and he doesn't want it to suffer. So it's either figure a way to get this crap off or take him out in the desert and shoot the poor baby. So, do you have any life saving advice? :(

Why would there be gasoline in the intake of my 3100sfi lumina 1998?

Ok.. Basicaly it sounds like the gas which should be vaporised is pooling in the intake. Its likely getting in because its not getting burned. I have seen this with both fuel and oil. The smog equipment on the car recirculates a percentage of exhause and crankcase vapors. Unless those misfires are caused by a bad spark plug or wire this will not be a cheap fix.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Anyone else have a friend that won't stay single?

My friend won't stay single. She's 17, and keep switching between like three guys. She'll obsess over one until she drives him crazy and he doesn't want to see her anymore, then she'll cry for like 4 days straight, then she'll just move on. She always says that shes "loves" these guys, but I doubt it. You can't love someone one week, then not the next. I wish she'd just stay single for a while so she could sort her life out. Anyone else have a friend like this?

Question about gas pumps?

Look at the end. There's a tiny tube there that sucks air in. When gas hits that tube the nozzle shuts off.

What's so bad about store credit cards?

I've heard that store credit cards (Macy's, Home Depot, etc.) should be avoided. Is that true and if so, why? What about gasoline credit cards?

What is the noun in the sentence "He was promotedand became a manager of the gasoline station after his graad?

What is the Noun in the sentence"He was promoted and became a manager of the gasoling station after his graduation.

I want to marry him.....?

Ive been talking to a man for a while now and we are perfect for each other. It's like he's my other half. We even talked about marriage and We both are very old school, traditional kind, like no pre-marital sex, relgious etc. We want to get married but the problem is I'm 19 and he's 10 years older than me. I know you guys are probably thinking i'm young and foolish etc. But I'm very mature for my age. I was raised with lots of repsonsibilities. I think he's the right one, I've been looking for someone like him my whole life. And my family will not accept him because of his age and race. They say he will be bad in bed when we get older. But I really love him and I'm mature enough to be a wife type. I want to be with him but then I'll have to sacrifice my family. He doesn't want me to sacrifice them he actually wants to be with them talk to them etc its just that my family are very close-minded. He's really worth it, but I'm just doubting now because of my family. Its like I dont want to lose a person like him, People like him are veryyy rare today. We both have the same goals, morals, values etc. He wants to come meet them and ask my hand in marriage but I'm afraid it wont turn the way i want it to.

Cried over a sad video game ending?

ive cried when the end of red dead redemtion you die then you play as you son grown up and it cut seen to your son over your and your wifes grave and then you play on from there. so sad -_-

Since crude oil has now declined 20% in the last 4 months why have gasoline prices only declined 8.5%?

Because supply and demand has less and less to do with the price of oil. Wall Street gamblers can and do move oil prices.

Operator # Has been locked out?

I work at walmart and today my operator number was locked out of the system for running cash registers. I hadn't had an incorrect punch all day. I came in at 9 am and opened the photo lab as instructed. Then I have an opening shift tomorrow and will be the only one working in the photo lab until 5 pm tomorrow. I doubt if I have cbls to do so I'm kinda curious as to what has happened.

Do Conservatives view Benjamin Netanyahu as the President of the United States?

They sure do seem to like to salute him and obey his every command. Cons were foaming at the mouth with jubilance when Netanyahu made his US visit.

What should i do? D: Never been in this situation .?

Yeah, I doubt he'd want a relationship after that too. Just move on and find someone else to date. I don't think it would work well between you two.

Where can one find a religious organization that worships Sakia as the son of God?

Where do I sign up? I want to make a creation museum that claims Sakia created everything, and lie to children about it too.

Is my friend bisexual?

Tactfully level with him about your confusion over the mixed signals he's sending you and ask him to clear the air with you once and for all. Then go from there.

Will an Eisenhower silver dollar work for officer commissioning?

I am an ROTC cadet and I will be commissioning at the end of LDAC this summer. I have my ASU ready, but I'm not sure if my silver dollar will work for the First Salute. It is one of those Eisenhower silver coins minted in the 70s. One of my cadre members said I needed a pure silver eagle, but other officers have told me that there is no regulation on it and any silver dollar works just fine. Can someone set me straight? I'd like to not have to pay for another coin if I don't have to.

Can I reenlist for Infantry if not an E-5?

Well I been hearing rumors about if your not a sergeant or higher than you cant reenlist. My ETS date is June of 2013 and I joined the Army Jan 2010 with a 3year and 16weeks contract. Being so I doubt I could make sergeant by the time im supposed to get out at least I went to Ranger school and got my tab or sucked a lot of dick which that's not me. So what could I do? and I dont wanna reclass to being a POG id rather get out than do that.

How Often Do You Send Salah & Salam Upon Our Beloved Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم?

and whenever you send peace on prophet you must mention his family. dorood always his wa alehi wa salam. So we have to bless is family too

Am I wrong about feeling hesitant about this? ?

My grandfather and grandmother are going to be put in a home, my uncle as well because grandma and uncle have alzheimer's disease. I want what's best for all of them. I just worry about them being victims of neglect. My aunt told my uncle she doesn't love him and never did. I know he'd be better away from her but I still have doubts about nursing homes. Is my concern valid? Help me

Just 2 little easy questions...?

2)What's "Seven sister companies"? =Exxon, Gulf, Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, Texaco, British Petroleum, Standard Oil of California.

I want to start kickboxing!?

I would love to take a class somewhere, I just doubt I have the money. So, if I buy dvds, what are some good ones you'd suggest? Also, do I need to buy any type of gloves or shoes or clothes? Gotta love buying new outfits! Haha thank you!! :)

Painful stomachaches all the time.... lasting for almost 2 years now. Whats the problem?

I've had this problem since I was 3. It could be that your body sees food as a toxin so it tries to remove it by making you throw up

Now that the casey anthony trial is only a few days from the verdict...?

do you believe she is innocent or guilty? I believe she is guilty without a doubt, but im worried about whether or not the jury will agree. So what is your opinion?

Where is the whole Cena/Vince/CM Punk storyline going?? :/?

This is exactly what's going on. Weaseling has been going down hill for sometime now. That's why stone Cole had to come back and make things fun again. Lol no one is getting fired ever. Like you said if they do they will be back the next week with some diffent drama. If you ask me I think the should have did a stunner or pet agree on the queen. Lmfao

What is the most beautiful bird to have as a pet?

That looks like a yellow/red conure? I tight it was rlly pretty but I doubt my parent would pay above 100 dollars for a bird sadly anyways thanks :3

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Would a girl guide salute the queen or courtsey?

I'm wondering if girl guides meet the queen, do they courtsey or salute? I'm asking because the queen was a girl guide. So id like to know what the proper acknowledgement would be

Was it not meant to be? or hold on? best answer= 10 points?

I believe that if this is honestly love, if you have that little tingle in your body when your around him, or you just love being with him physical or not, or anything that signs love, then it is meant to be. Remember, love has permanent obstacles. it might seem that way, but it really doesn't. If there is no possible way you can see him or be with him, then its obviously not real

Where can I find diaphragms for a 1981 Yamaha Virago 750?

If the engine starts, it idles very low (if not stalls). I don't think the carburetor is mixing enough air because the exhaust smells like gasoline. One muffler is running cold as well.

Coming soon to a theater near you? "Whiny Wiener's Wiener Redux", an early summer comedy?

Americans need some comic relief to break the stress of living under the Obama regime. I for one wish to SALUTE the Wiener for providing us this comic relief. I am looking forward to the sequel.

Do you ever have an erection when an amazingly sexy woman passes by?

Yesterday, I was looking for a Taxi. While I was waiting, this amazingly sexy girl passed by. When I saw back, my penis instantly gave her butt a military salute. That was kind of embarrassing and I tried not to show people what's going on down there so I turned my face (and my penis) toward the other side (a wall). Finally, my penis calmed down (thankfully it didn't reach full erection).... Did this ever happen to you?

How much profit is the price of a gallon of gasoline?

By far the government make the most money per gallon, state and federal taxes make up as much as 55 cents per gallon, the station makes 2 - 3 cents per gallon and the producer makes about 5 cents per gallon.

Do you think I'll grow to be 5'7?

You're still young, so it's definitely possible. Eat healthy and take in plenty of calcium and vitamin D.

When will the world run out of gasoline?

Like 5 years? 10? 50? I know that there's enough stockpiled oil in Alaska, so once the tree huggers shut up, we'll be set. But when will that be?

Do you think the WWE held Hart or King from saying anything about Savage?

As always, they only showed a memoriam at the open. Could they have at least done a 10 bell salute or something? It looked like the two were holding back tears but couldn't say anything about it.

What the best way to remove manure stains?

Is the Cowboy Magic Green Spot Remover the best? I also heard that alcohol works real well. What about gasoline(used safely of course)?

How much electric does a Scentsy warmer use?

My husband is always turning my warmers off, and it's driving me mad. He says that it's a waste of electric. I say they really can't use that much electric, no more then a nite light. And I highly doubt that it will make our electric bill noticibly higher. So what do you all think. What kind of difference have you noticed on your electric bills?

Drop out looking to gain highschool diploma?

I dropped out of high school about a year ago, I highly doubt they would let me back in, the main reason i left was because i didn't enjoy the atmosphere of high school so i was wondering if it's possible to earn your high school diploma at home, I really don't want to work at MacDonald s for the next twenty years, So any information is appreciated . THANK YOU.

When a woman seems to get a sudden high when realizing you're looking at her, she definitely likes you right?

is she bisexual? i get excited to be around other people, but it doesn't mean i'm interested in them.

Will oil prices go down tomorrow?

Gasoline prices went down today because of the reserve sale, but are they going to keep falling tomorrow or later because of it. What do you think? I live on the us. Should i refill my tank today or wait a few more days until i really need to?

I need help with money!?

so im only 14 & i might go to portugal with my friend but i need money. im having a yardsale with a bunch of my stuff but i doubt ill get more than $80. Im supposed give some money of the ticket which is 400 in total but i also need that money for contacts and i only have 10 weeks left of contacts. I need more though for highschool so im assuming thats another 100$. if i dont go to portugal i just wont use my contacts that i would use during my time there & i would have to buy less contacts. i also might attend a public highschool where students wear regular clothes, so i need to buy more clothes. What would you do? not go to portugal, go to portugal? i dont really want to stay home cause my mom most likely wouldnt let me do much during the rest of summer but anyway whats your opinions? i also cant get a paying job.

HELP,Im sorta a player & people keep on telling me I'll die lonely because of that...?

you should take their advice it might be fun and games now when you are 24 but nobody likes a 40 yr old player. that is just a joke to women and a huge turn off. you don't want to be older wondering why you never settled down. i would cherish women more if i were you.

How can i find a bi/lesbian woman?

Im a19 yr old latina. ive dated many men and i love men! no doubt about it ! but ive always wanted to be with a girl just for fun. ive kissed a girl before but couldnt really take advantage of the moment since my friends were all freaked out when they saw and i didnt want to make then feel uncomfortable. anyways how can i talk to a girl and find out if they like women too.... ive tried dating sites but its kinda scary and i dont want to risk myself and enter a dangerous situation. how can i meet women in my area?

Am i headed for an abusive relationship?

My boyfriend and i have been dating for about a yar and a half.Everything was going great until i made a fake facebook to see if he would cheat on me given the chance.After i found out he wouldnt i decited it would be fun to mess with peoples heads.Bad decision on my part because i talked to my ex and ruined his relationship out of revenge.That was in like august and he recently found out about it a few mionths ago.Now he needs to know where i am at all times because he thinks im cheating and he doesnt want me hanging out with my friends cause there "bad influences".He has never layed a hand on me out entire relationship and im reading articles and it looks like this is how abusive relationships start but i have doubts because im the one that did something to hurt his trust.

Problem with traps. Fat sitting on top or Muscle imbalance?

Ok, I kind of have a problem and I'm not sure if it's serious or not. Everytime I get into a push up position I look in the mirror with my shirt off and notice that my right trap seems to be bigger than my left. But when I'm standing straight both sides are aligned. I've recently booked an appointment with my doctor to see if I have some problem with my spine, but I highly doubt it since scoliosis doesn't run in my family. Other than that I'm 5'8, Male, and 150LB...and I do admit I'm kind of chubby lol. So, I'm not sure if this is a muscle imbalance or just fat sitting on my one side. I know you can't spot reduce, but I'd like to know if anyone has come across this before. Oh yea, I've also started going to the gym with my brother to get fit, but not entirely sure if it's fat or not. Thanks in advance!

My father and uncle were WW ll Veterans?

Brothers.Passed away 4 months a part.Buried by each other.Funerals were in the winter and so we were told that neither would have 21 gun salute or taps because Veterans were getting older and it was cold.We were unhappy about it but understood.Now many years later we would like to have this wrong righted.Is that even possible?Who do we call?

Anyone else have a friend that won't stay single?

My friend won't stay single. She's 17, and keep switching between like three guys. She'll obsess over one until she drives him crazy and he doesn't want to see her anymore, then she'll cry for like 4 days straight, then she'll just move on. She always says that shes "loves" these guys, but I doubt it. You can't love someone one week, then not the next. I wish she'd just stay single for a while so she could sort her life out. Anyone else have a friend like this?

What is the BEAUTIFUL aspect of ISLAM ?

there's no beautiful aspect of Islam, most bad things come from Islamic countries and that's a fact.

My cat has a weird problem with digging at himself?

My cat is about 5 or 6 and he's digging at himself. He's been doing this since about 3-4 months ago. Back around that time, my people would scratch his back/tailbone and he'd lick the air. Now it's around his shoulder bones and his sides. He's digging at his skin and there's a lot of fur coming out and getting onto his claws. I've checked for fleas on him, and all I seen was a little bit of flea waste. It's not very noticeable, but I'm really worried about him. He HAS been around one cat with feline leukemia, but that cat got put down by one of my neighbors, and I don't think my cat and that cat made contact. My family is really too poor to take him to the vet and get him checked, and I highly doubt that he's up to date on all his shots. So if anyone could please at least give me some type of information that might be wrong with him, thank you!

Should I go back and see him again?

I could've sword I saw this question before maybe with some details changed? Also 17 yr old working as a janitor what?


No, you didn't "come". When you get turned on you get like that down there to prepare for sex. It's self lubrication. You two sound like you're friends with benefits. If you are both okay with just hooking up and no commitment then go for it.

Is it normal to receive a lot of "eye contact" from a woman who's been in a long term relationship with a guy?

lipstick lesbian darlin` lol. She may want to make-out because she thinks guys will think its sexy... Unfortunatly people prey on weakness... as a woman you should know that we want only what we cant have. If you want her... appear unattainable, if her interest dwindles it`s probably because shes not into you but into the idea of you. If shes on you like white on rice, make a move.

Salicylic Acid vs Alpha Hydroxy Acid vs Benzoyl Peroxide for Acne?

Okay so I have been using a 3 step treatment for my acne that includes a Benzoyl Peroxide cleanser, a Salicylic oil-free moisturizer and a Salicylic acid spot treatment, my acne still appears sometimes even after 6 months of using this. I'm starting to doubt the effectiveness of this treatment. After looking at, the main founder of the site recommended AHA or Alpha Hydroxy Acid over Salicylic acid. My Question is which one of these treatments work the best on moderate acne? - Thanks.

Money saving tips and more please!?

Alright so I really want the Nikon D3100 camera! My little digital one is crap, it's 8mega pixels and sucks! So my mother and I made a deal that if I save up all the money necessary for it, (around $700Canadian because I live in canada). So far I have $70, my plan was to buy the camera on boxing day when everythings on sale, this summer i'll be babysitting but I highly doubt I'll make enough for the camera. So I need ideas for how to make money and how to save money! Please!

Little finger tendon problem?

My little finger on only one (right) hand is starting to act up, i first noticed this 4 years ago but it hasn't really affected me until now. I've just joined the Army and i need to be able to salute properly, and do press-ups but when i'm saluting my finger goes into a slight ^ shape making saluting uncomfortable and it looks like i'm doing it wrong. This also happens when i'm doing press-ups which makes it very uncomfortable to do them too. Does anyone know what this is, why it is happening or what i can do to stop it? Thanks.

My gas gauge doesnt work, do you think its dangerous to keep a 1 gallon gasoline canister in my trunk with gas?

I tried to rely on my trip odometer but it proved to be very unreliable as the mpg on my car varies widely between highway, city and if I use air cond. or not etc. So its impossible to rely on that as I already ran out of gas trying to do so. So do you think keeping a gallon or half a gallon gasoline in my trunk is a solution, or is it too dangerous it these hot summer days? (I have a special container for gasoline does that make any difference? )

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Is Greece in dissolution?

I think Greece needs next a great person as in the ancient time. Personally I assume that a controlling default should be better at the moment as an uncontrolling default in the following years.

I know it is disrespectful for a civilian to salute a solider so how would i ignoledge them?

i want to be able to do something besides a salute like the soldiers do so i can show i respect that person and what they are doing

Follow-up - How would a Major General in the USAF verbally address a CIA officer?

The Federal employee pay scale is roughly comparable to military rank. If they were of similar grade, they'd be collegial. If the military officer outranked the CIA officer by a considerable amount, it would be the general's choice. If the CIA officer was very high ranking, or if he had a doctorate, I suspect the general would show a bit of deference. Part of it depends on their working relationship, too, as defined by whatever they're working on and how well they get along. It would be Mr./Ms./Mrs./Dr, not officer.

Bipolar ll.. But am I hallucinating?

Well, tough to say without knowing more or experiencing it myself. Could be a few different things. Withdrawls from meds but I doubt that. Could be signs of schizophrenia but could also be paranormal. I would hate for a dr to diagnose you with that if you are experiencing paranormal activity. Do you know anyone that is a sensitive to spirits? If not maybe you can find a digital recorder and ask questions to the thin air, leave pauses to see if anyone answers. If there is something recorded on the tape then you are not hallucinating you are just sensitive to spirits,whichh is nothing you should fear because they can't hurt you. Even if it is all in your head it still can't hurt you but you nee to go back on your meds then to see if it stops. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. I hope you find the answers you need...

Car question: 2009 CAMRY?

We had a bit of a flood yesterday with flooding only up to about half of my tires. now, i dont recall putting gasoline in my car but call me crazy my fuel needle is where i dont remember it being. is something flooded? or am i going nuts??? anyone with car brains know??


Like so many right wingers, you don't know the difference between national socialism (Nazism) and international socialism, which knows no national, cultural, or racial boundaries. Your criticism of left wing historical figures is founded on myths and propaganda put about by the capitalist right wing press.

I Salute You Arsenal...........?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a even fernando torres did it

Can you sue someone that was supossed to be watching your child and they recieved 3rd degree burns?

my son was at a friends house and their 15 year old tried to lite a battery powered rocket with mixed oil and gas and the 8 year old brother flung gasoline on the flame and the flame hit my son who was just in the wrong place a the wrong time and the dad was not watching the kids and did nothing but tell my son to go to his dad across a field and major highway and did not come with my son to tell his dad what happened!!!

When does nationalism become idolatory?

I hear some people claim that Americans are making the flag into a false idol. In a sense I can see why 0 there is a commandment not to make idols of anything on earth or heaven. The Flag has stars on it. People are asked to swear allegiance to it salute it respect it feel offended if it is burnt etc. So at what point do you see nationalism expressed through the rights associated with and the symbolism of the flag start to turn into idolatory?

Are you on George Anthony's side?

The important thing is whether or not he would hurt Casey or Caylee. And I do not think he would have the heart to hurt either one of them. And yes you are right , they were loving towards one another.

Stay at home Moms/ Dads..?

I think all mothers should stay home with their children. The reason our nation is so messed up is because women thought being away from their children would create healthy families.....that didn't work very well and now women are staying home!

Advice me please.please help me with any links,suggestion ,advice .i m now a wheelchair user.?

my problem going 2 start after my parent .i am 27 from india stroke survivor &jobless .now my parent s there 2 support me but after my parent s i'll b a burden on my brother &his family .no doubt that my brother loves me a lot but the problem is he don’t do any high paid salary job in india .now I can’t think of any u have any idea ?please help

Is she lying about having cancer?

One of my best friends told me she has breast cancer. She's 15. I moved away from the town she lives in about 7 months ago. In April, I was told she had breast cancer and I cried for nights. I've been calling her and talking to her and supporting her for this whole time. Back in april she said she found out she had it 4 months earlier, which was about 7 months ago. She said shes done surguries and they are sure she has cancer and it is spreading. She said it was spreading so fast that there is no use in taking chemo and she's dying this summer. I believed her all along but ive had a bit of doubt in the back of my mind when my best friend who sees her almost everyday says that her story just doesnt add up, and nothing seems right. She said she thought she was lying even though she really didnt want to believe that the girl was lying about something this big, but at the same time she wished it were a lie because none of us want to lose a friend soon! Well recently, i had been trying to reach her but she wouldnt reply to any means of communication. She reached my friends who told me that she is now cancer free and is feeling much better. She sent me an email sayng the same thing and i told her i was extremely happy for her. I asked her how she found out, like whats the details and she said she doesn't know, that the cancer stopped spreading "i guess". Now people are doubting her story.... thinking that it was a lie all along, and she says that shes glad she has me because im the only one that "understands". What do i do? Is this just a big LIE?

As I told you earlierMy Pentax camera is K1000 having originally SMC Pentax-A Zoom lens 35-70 mm lens which I?

As I told you earlierMy Pentax camera is K1000 having originally SMC Pentax-A Zoom lens 35-70 mm lens which I was able to take it out and fit Vivitar 70-210 mm zoom lens(PK-A/R) in that Pentax camera. I also have with meJapanese auto CHINON 28 mm wide angle lens for this same Pentax K1000 --35 mm Film camera. My doubt is :- If I purchase the new Pentax Kr DSLR camera can I use these zoom lenses with this new DSLR camera? This is my doubt!!!

Isnt it ironic the performer "common" attended the same chuch as mr obama?

Does he let his daughters listen the the “music” that this man puts out there? If so, he and Michelle should stop the campaign against food and begin one to save their own childrens souls first!

How can god exist if...?

im sorry but i guarantee you will not recieve a single logical answer from the crowd your asking. just the other day i saw one of them ask "if god doesnt exist, then how do you explain lightning?' i was like are you sh*ting me?

Godmother rights? If your a lawyer or work w. the court this is for you.?

My friend is 15. she just had a baby (alyce of 2 months) & the father has never really been apart of the life except for a few times. Hes even been abusive when she was pregnant such as pushing her & cursing @ her. The baby was taken away from my friend cause of domestic violence & put in a foster home. when she did have the baby i always came by & gave her stuff like shampoos, diapers, clothes, etc to help support the baby. torie said i was her god mother & that if anything happened id be the person she called. well they took the baby away & now she needs my help. if im the godmother could i get the baby rather than the foster parents. & what kind of proof would i need to show that im the godmother or what process would i have to go through? im 15 as well but my dad said hell help obviously hed be the big provider for the baby. he makes a good income & we live comfortably & can support the child w.out a doubt. help please. how could i win the baby over ? it means alot.

How do I view someones wall on facebook?

If you are not friends with him and his profile wall is blocked off to non-friends, then you will not be able to see his profile. for example, if he blocked his wall from people who aren't his facebook friends because there was some creeper stalking him, it would be unfair to him if somehow the creeper was able to get to his wall. does this help?

Commander and Chief question?

So what is the actual relationship of the Commander and Chief to a soldier. Yes he's in "charge", but he's also just a civilian. I'm just curious because people in my unit are always making Obama jokes and our leadership snap at us saying "That's your Commander and Chief!" But how is that any different than me makes a Robert Gates joke and them saying "That's your Secretary of Defense!" Their both just civilians. I mean would I have to stand at attention or salute the President?

Why does everyone keep bagging on Terrelle Pryor?

I mean, I know why, but I wish they'd stop. TP, while no doubt was a confused young man who let his stardom get in the way, was still basically a good kid who made a dumb mistake. It's not like he hurt anyone, he just sold some merchandise which, HELLO, was GIVEN TO HIM. And don't minimize what a great football player he was. The centerpiece of the team for the past 2 plus years. Columbus will miss you TP, good luck in the NFL.

Please help me with this Tech Ed question!?

Well, we would have to trade in our gas stations for electrical charging stations. The currently agreed-upon standard for electric cars would be SAE J1772, which would allow for up to 240V 80A charging. Even with all that power, I doubt you could charge an electric car in 10 minutes without the battery exploding. If you can only afford a 10 minute pit stop, you would need some kind of battery-exchange station where you trade out your dead battery for a charged one. If the car is designed for it, you should be able to do this in 10 minutes or less. In fact, I remember seeing an article somewhere about an electric taxi fleet using this method to keep their cars on the road all day.

I have been with my boyfriend five years im 22 he is 30 i accuse him alot and nag him alot its like a disease?

i cant stop he takes care of home he does for my little girl and she is not his we have one on the way though and it will be his first child. My problem is that i found a condom in his coat pockett three years ago he said he didnt use them i found it again this year once and last year once i know he cud be lien but he swears me down he does not cheat. I wanna believe him and give him the benefit of the doubt. Should i forgive him....this man does anything for me and my child and now im carrying his first child do you all think he can change if he is cheating. I really cant say he is doing anything he is always with me and is in the house early everynight now since he found out im pregnant. were having a girl. How can we make this work? He does not seem to wanna be with anybody else he says he wants to get married and b a family idk what to do but i know i should stop nagging him so much being that he brings in the bread

My grandmam died last night, and i'm not dealing with it well...?

I think you 're dealing just fine with it. I just found out that my grandmother has 6-12 months to live with only 2 being good. they have already called in hospice and after talking with my mom I think I will be saying good bye around Christmas.It's hard because in a way I'm already grieving and I don't want to do that just yet.I've come to the conclusion that the reason we grieve is because our loved one has so thoroughly loved us.It's sad but right now I need to make the most of the time I have and learn the few things she has left to teach me. Every time I pass one of those things on i will be honoring her.My Grandmother is wife, mother, grandmother, teacher, helper ,adviser, friend but most of all she is a lady and a lady always knows when to leave. I just wish it didn't suck so much for those of left behind. my sympathies and I'm sorry for your empty place.

Knives... Which Knife should I choose!!?

like the other guy said, you cant go wrong with a multi tool. ive had my leatherman super tool for like 8 years and its still good as new and ive sharpened it like 4 times

Is there a belief out there that says Satan is an alien who was banished to earth by his alien civilization?

I have spoken with my brother and have also gathered information from another person whom he has never met or even heard of. Both of them claim that they have had conversations with Satan. My brother, through huffing gasoline and the other, through meditation. Both of their descriptions of Satan match up exactly. The things he tells them are extremely similar. Yes, I know huffing gasoline is dangerous so I don't need a lecture on that. Also, I am not saying that I believe this is who Satan is so I don't need to be bombarded with Bible versus because I have read damn near the whole thing so I already know what it says.

Is raising the taxes on objects or whatever the same as raising taxes on people regardless of there income?

like deposits on cans/bottles, gasoline, foods, tobaccos, liquor. raising them type of taxes, is that considered the same as raising the taxes on people of all incomes or not?

Can we believe anything democrats say?

Can we trust any mainstream political party? (Dems or Reps?) No because both parties consist of rich, corrupt bastards.

Why do Republicans attack Obama on taxes when his record is better than their standard bearer?

The only reason Obama gets criticised is because he is a Democrat (and a black one at that). They even attack him because of the military force he used in Libya. If it was a Republican President doing the exact same thing, they would applaud him. Their hypocracy knows no bounds.

Monday, July 11, 2011

How can people stand to live in the country?

Its just to quite no cable tv, you have to get wireless internet, everything is to far away, people are too friendly, I love the smell of gasoline in the morning, people live to far apart, gets boring, no electronic stores, no cell phone service

2001 Toyota Camry loud engine noise and gasoline smell on cold start?

The noise could either be a bad check valve in your oil pump or a bad lifter. If the noise gets louder as you increase the rpms it is probly a bad lifter.

I'm in a weird situation?

so i was sitting on the couch in my living room watching csi wearing a shirt with a peanut on it when all of the sudden, a green, flying elephant from saturn wearing a ballerina tutu tried to eat my shirt off. so i ran and got on my bike with no wheels and peddled it backswards up the great pyramid of giza, and once i got over the pyramid, i stopped to tie my shoelace. when i got back up, i was inside a super mario bros. game. when i was attacked by a flying turtle, for some reason i screamed mamma-mia, then the screen went black for 2 seconds before i landed in a place called oz, and some weird smelling guy told me to follow a yellow brick road to graceland to see elvis, but on my way, i fell into a black hole and landed in bikini bottom, where i sort of couldn't breath, so i ran into some underwater squirrels tree dome to get air where i was shot by al capone after i refused to give him a stick of my gum. after i was shot, i woke up naked (i REALLY wonder how that happened....)in some imaginary cartoon like place and realized i was a cartoon too. next to me there was a tootsie pop, and all of the sudden for no reason i just wanted to no how many licks it takes to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop, so i was walking around asking a bunch of talking animals, and they all told me i had to ask mr hitler. so i asked him, "Mr. Hitler, how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?" So he took it and amazingly he licked it into a statue of him doing his weird salute in only just 119 licks. frustrated, i walked away only to fall into a deep dark hole, which i have been stuck in for three days. but all of the sudden, just like 30 minutes ago, my laptop came floating down the hole with angel wings, but once i grabbed it, the wings blew up (bummer). i don't need to know how to get out of here, there's just one thing i want to know before i die...if a tree falls down in a forest and no one's around to hear it, does it make a noise?

What happened to "Five dollar gasoline"?

Gold is still high. What we have is a ruined dollar that is causing inflation while we have consumers too poor to pay for inflated things so the price has to stay low due to low demand. Some people call this inflationary recession. We have both inflation and deflation at the same time-businesses are hurting big time which is why they are not hiring. Nobody has money-prices can only go up when people have money. Note how many businesses are filing bankruptcy because they can't make sales that can keep up with inflation. Big employers like Perkins.

Had my left wisdom teeth removed last thursday, and I'm suppose to get the stitches out today,?

Yeah, it'd still be good to go in no matter how bad, or good you're feeling. If everything is alright they're just take them out, if somethings not right it's always better to take care of it sooner then later.


The Die Hards left me speechless.Sure there was much action but the story lines left me without a trace.You cant improve on perfection.You know one of my favorite movies might be have a sequel and you're in it.The Thing" I loved that movie to death.Some may have found it corny but not me.Well Kurt Russell is in it... not you.LOL!

How did the 1968 Black Power Salute affect the Civil Rights Movement?

Can someone please help me tell me how Tommie Smith and John Carlos' Black Power Salute at the 1968 Olympic Games affected the Civil Rights movement? I've done so much research but it is very difficult to connect the two. I know about the symbolism of the men's gloves, etc. but are their any protest for instance when people made the same symbolic gesture? Please help!

Can diesel cars explode in an accident?

Gasoline is highly flammable, and I know that gasoline cars can easily explode if the gas tank is damaged in an accident. Is the same true of diesel cars? I have seen some videos on youtube that seem to indicate that diesel fuel is much harder to ignite than gasoline, and I am wondering if this would make diesel cars safer in an accident.

Just a quick question regarding carp bait.?

Hi, I live near Lake Michigan and as a lot of you probably already know the carp in there are large and plentiful and given a certain amount of patience they are willing biters. I just have one problem. I've been using a commercial bait called "Uncle Josh Carp Bait" There's no doubt it's a good bait because it's bright colored, releases scent into the water nicely and it's easy to form into a dough-ball but the particular container of bait I bought was pretty soft and it's very hard to get it to stay on the hook. On the back of the tub it says that if the bait is too soft to mix it with fine dirt. I might try that as a last resort but in the mean time I'm searching for alternate methods. Does anybody know how to make an affective homemade carp bait that's nice and firm? You know, soft enough to be appealing to the fish but firm enough that it will stay on the hook with ease and withstand intense casting? Not that this is too huge a problem but I'm also looking for a bait that's appealing to carp but also something that those annoying nibbling sunfish will ignore and not destroy. Is there also a way that I could maybe keep the bait I already have on the hook easier? Maybe I should use regular bread dough, it seems pretty strong, would it work? Are carp attracted to large night crawlers? I know they work for catfish and they are almost guaranteed to stay on the hook but the sunfish and gobies would probably tear them up before the carp ever got to them. Well anyway thanks, I'm hoping to head out to the marina in again today so if there's a bait I could prepare in just a few hours that would be nice. I sure hope you fellow fishermen out there can help. Thanks a bunch.

Could you store energy under these conditions?

Energy can never be stored for use. It has to be created as it is consumed and both involve irversible changes; consumption as well as usage.

Nervous for my driving test?

im taking my driving test tomorrow on a closed course and i'm really nervous. I'm not a huge fan of driving in general and am always doubting myself. I've been practicing a bunch at the course the last few days and have done pretty well so i think i can pass unless my nerves get the best of me which is definitely possible. How can i calm myself down so my nerves don't affect my driving?

Can I get in trouble for refusing an award or coin from my commander?

I am supposed to be at an award ceremony tomorrow. I don't want an award from my commander. Do I have to accept it? Or can I tactfully refuse to take it? What can happen? I would still salute him, just not take the award and tell him that I do not feel I deserve it.

Strikes are gonna be stupid in the uk?

like to know what people think of the strikes, i think there ridiculous as most techers are on over 20k which is enough to get by many people have lost there jobs that meant more and yet oh noes the teachers, well i say we should salute them them a middle finger and machine guns especially my old r.e. techer she was a ****** cha cha

Can i join the army if i cant salute?

Ok so you are all probably wondering why i cant salute. well i shell tell you ok so when i was 15 years old i was chasing my little bro down drive way at full speed and at the time we had a big storage room with really cheep windows and i mean if you hit it with a pebble they would shatter into thousands of peaces or if you slammed the door hard enough the window would brake so any way back to the story my little bro ran in to that storage room and slammed the door in my face so my reaction was to put my right hand out to stop myself from running into the door but my hand missed the frame and went through the window at first i thought i was ok but then i saw my bro just standing there shaking saying your wrist your wrist so i look down just to see i had just cut my arteries,nerves and tendons so after being brought to the ER and haveing 5 surgery's and 11/2 years of physical therapy i finely was able to use my hand agen but the only thing i cant do is move my fingers sideways and the doc said they did all they can do for me. So do i have to be able to solute in order to join the military. ps this is not a joke so please do not joke around this is my dream i want to serve.

Is my coordination complex formula correct?

Give the formula of a complex constructed from one Ni 2+ ion, one ethylenediamine ligand, three ammonia molecules, and one water molecule. I'm thinking [Ni(en)(NH3)3]H2O, but I'm in doubt

The highest theoretical efficiency of a gasoline engine, based on the Carnot cycle, is 0.300 or 30.0%.?

Just guessing, if efficiency is work out divided by work in and you have 30 percent efficiency , so 2.95 x 10 to the power of 2 / .30 would give the work in by temperature. work is measured in joules, so i think your answer is 850 j but I could be very wrong.

Are hybrid cars better for the environment than Gasoline vehicles?

From the time a hybrid is produced and through the lifetime of the vehicle is it more harmful to the environment than the production and lifetime of a gasoline vehicles?

Can a former member of a foreign army salute the American flag during the national anthem?

Usually this is reserved for U.S. Military current and retired, but what about a current or retired soldier from a nation that is an ally of the U.S. such as Britain, Israel, France etc.

Help Telemarketers call and give me busy signal on machine?

hunt a telezapper down on EbAy. these little guys deliver a fax-tone to the autodialer which prompts it to delete you as a number it cannot get a person from.

Michael Jackson Dream? Need help of what it means!! 10 points?

Alright; so this is my dream from last night, and I cant figure it out what it means: Someone try to help me with it: Best answer 10 points: Here it is: " So I was in this room, and Michael J was there, and some other people I don't know: And they seen they were having some kind of meeting, and he was talking about some lyrics,and something was his handwriting on paper: But while he was saying that, he had this book: And I took a copy of what he was reading: And I flipped through it, and it was like this old book: And it was highlighted with a old yellow highligher: And this book, it was old poems: ( I know MJ write's poet's: I know that's a true fact; and NOW I know he reads XD) And as I flipped through it, I came to this page that said: " Moon Ballad: And that Michael likes that name" That's the dream: Now I thinking: Why does MJ want me to know the name " moon ballad" And why did he come into my dreams just to "show me that" He said he "likes the name" But I doubt it's not a NickName: I never heard anyone say to him: " Hey Moon Ballad!!" XD So I have to over think it's not a Nick Name: I looked up the name: " Moon Ballad" And it's a fancy horse:But that just leads up to more questions: " Why would he come in my dream just to tell me about a horse?? Is it a password? What does anyone else think??

Was the Muslim's statement of minutes ago, "Sunni and Shia is a political faction not a religious faction"....?

the split is based on a feud over leadership that started after mohammads death and they are still arguing about it today. Still if it gives them an excuse to slaughter each other, then they can't be joining forces to attack the rest of us.

21 gun salute and taps?

Parents SHOULD! The Military is wonderful. And we are so lucky to have such a large and powerful one for our country. It makes me sick to see people disrespect our soldiers and what all they do for us.

Why did Miami Heat players hang their heads down and refused to place hand over heart durng the Nat. Anthem?

Reminded me of the Olyphics when the black players gave the black power salute and hung their heads down.

What kind of BBs should I use for my airsoft rifle?

It's a UTG M324 Master Sniper (Gen 5). It's supposed to be like 450 FPS with .12g BBs, and around 315-325 with .20g BBs. Now... I was wondering, since it hops up like crazy with .20g BBs, should I get .25s or .30s? On Amazon, everyone says .25s work great (I got it off of Amazon), but with the insane curving it does with .20s, I kind of doubt them. Now I'm wondering: would .25s be enough, or should I go a bit further? Thanks in advance.

Anyone have any advice on this?

Battery any good? Earth connection from the engine any good? 1990 is not "older than dirt" by any means, I mean come on, it has fuel injection! If it were me, I would never have changed all that stuff, I would have fitted a carb instead and been done with it from day one.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Just EXACTLY why is Prince Charles so disliked?

Because a lot of people are such hypocrites that though they all have divorce and remarriage in their own families....they want to single out Prince Charles and say he is the one person in the country who should be reviled for doing something that nearly all Brits do and accept without a second thought.

I'm giving up on the guitar. It's too hard. Sorry HASTA LA VISTA!?

Don't! I play it! Even though it's hard, you will get better! It only took me a few months to be able to play simple songs and chords. Please don't give up, it's such a fun instrument to play and you will regret it later! I thought the same thing as you, but I didn't give up and now I'm a successful guitar player :)

Whats A Good Car For A 16 yr old Girl?

im turning 16 in the 4th of july and im askin for a car. i was recently lookin at a honda civic hatchback but i think i like the honda fit type 4 door cars. the thing im worried about the most is gasoline . how many cyl does a honda fit car have or cars that are like the honda fit . plz and thank you

Will republicans ever admit they created a 2nd great depression?

No they will not. I have heard that republicans have a saying let no good crisis go to waste. Well i guess that saying applies even if you created the crisis. They will try to blame democrats for the recession and use it to promotee their ideological agenda (destroying the middle class. They will continue to give the rich tax breaks and incentives on the backs of the middle and lower class

How can I get my pell grant back after being denied?!?

I just got my fin aid letter from my school (I am a senior), and it shows that I am not getting a pell grant, which means I will also not get my smart grant! I also lost the Rober Byrd Scholarship as the funding was cut. My brother graduated college, and it looks like my parents earned a little more money last year, and I'm guessing that's the reason, but I haven't been notified why by the fed govt. Both of my parents work (my mom's is stable, my dad's is on and off), and both work at second part time jobs. I work during the school year, and am having a hard time finding any kind of job this summer. I live in a distressed area in Ohio, and go to Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. The only reason I was able to attend there is because I got scholarships, grants, and loans which barely cover my costs. I have been so grateful for that! This year my dad took on a part time job delivering court summons to help pay his debts, and the expenses from this job (especially gasoline) made the job not worth it, as he found out at the end of the year. My parents are paying their way out of a bankruptcy, and will be done with that in January. They have no equity at all in our home, and are underwater on the mortgage. They do not want to default on the mortgage (it is a small very modest house), and are really really struggling to meet expenses. They have student loans for their three children, and are not in default on those. Is there anything I can do to talk to someone in the federal government about this? I don't know how to contact anyone about this. I am terrified that I won't be able to complete my senior year. My parents are beside themselves as well. We know none of us can get a loan for $19,000. If you know what I should do, please help!

I need a way to sleep in an enclosed space with a can of gasoline...?

You need fresh air and ventilation...even if you take the gasoline out of the equation. Not quite sure why you would want to sleep in a trunk instead of a seat... I assume you have a two seater with an enormous trunk. Maybe you should consider buying a delivery van or better still a small camper-van or day van. If you get something in good condition you won't loose a lot on resale when you have finished with it. Sleeping on a proper mattress makes such a difference...and you will need a good nights sleep.

Does this guy seem interested ?

If you don't think he's interested then why are you asking. A lot of attractive guys give "HOT" smiles but that's mainly because they are attractive not because they are interested. He just sounds friendly. With the information you gave us, it doesn't sound like he's interested.

Why do people think Obama has anything to do with gas prices?

How can anyone suggest that Obama has any control over gasoline prices whatsoever? This seems like a laughable proposition to me, yet some people seem to think there is a direct link between the current president and the price of gas. Do people think he has an app on his phone that lets him change the price of gas as he pleases? And really...why the hell would he want to raise it anyway? Will someone please explain to me why anyone would think this?

Symbolism of Beyone's Run the World song?

Does anyone know the meaning and symbolism within Beyonce's (Girls) Run the World song/music video? For example, what does it mean when beyonce is holding those two hyenas on chain leashes, when all the female soldiers are dancing and the male solders are just standing there on there guard with there shields up & act as if they are afraid to approach the female solders, in the beginning when she is wearing all white but riding into a deserted battle ground on a black horse but there is a sunset in the background, and also in the end what does it mean when beyonce snatches one of the male guards badges but then her and her whole group of girls salute to them? I like the song, its got a great beat & everything, i just would like to understand the meaning/symbolism a little better haha.

For those in the now and those left behind. C/C please?

I love your poem. It is filled with the pain of loss and the joy of having. I am so very sorry for your cousin and family that lost a soldier in war and feel gratitude that he is honored in Arlington.

What is the name of this German U-boat ?

What is the name of this great German U-boat that during WW2 managed to sneak in hostile water and destroy a British battle ship with almost everybody on board while they were on dock ? And the submarine returned being congratulated with salutes from an Axis German Battle ship

What does Staff Sergeant Nantz say in Battle: LA?

At the beginning of the movie what does he say after he salutes to the flag after retiring from the Marines? He mouths it, but he doesn't speak it.

Comparing myself to the woman he cheated with?

Get therapy. Don't text him or see him. He's a cheater, and if you get back with him, he will do it again.

Why at the end of the music video "Run The World (Girls)" Beyonce steals the badge off the guy but salutes him?

why does she steal the badge place it on her, but then she salutes him? Is it supposed to be ironic?(like they don't really run the world))??

Explain how the composition of gasoline differs for summer and winter and why?

Gasoline is a mixture of different length hydrocarbons. The mixture of hydrocarbons in gasoline differs for summer and winter....

90's babies: What are your favorite show from the 90's?

Only people born from 1988-1991 can answer this. We are the true legends of the 90's. Some examples of shows we watched: Kenan and Kel, Clarissa Explains it All, Rugrats, Dexters Lab, Salute Your Shorts, Powerpuff Girls, Goosbumps, Pokemon, Sailor Moon, etc What are your favorites?

Warm sensation in bottom of right foot?

It's possible you have some sort of athletes foot, or foot fungus. It can be invisible or microscopic sometimes. If I were you I would schedule a doctors appointment, or mention it during your next checkup.

Will this actually matter?

In my school we HAVE to take US history Junior year. and to graduate I only need 4 years of english and Global. 3 years of everything else. I am taking APUSH next year and my counselor said I was fine, so I'm sure you will be ok.

Why are Serbs using Nazi salutes?

Most people don't realize, just like they didn't realize when Hitler was coming into ower, that the Nazi movement is back. Also most people don't realize that in the 1930s and 1940s that the Muslims and Nazis had the very same agenda. Oh gee, guess what. Here we are in 2011 and the Nazis and Muslims are at it again. Could this, uh, uh. Forget it. We don't want to think about such things. That means they aren't really happening. Right? Right?

How will I be after air force basic training?

There's always rumors like "you'll be like a robot for like two months after basic" stuff like that. Also, I heard something about coming out a brown belt in karate?? I doubt that one but I don't know, I've never been. I know there's combat training but I don't know how much or whatever. Anyone who recently went through basic and could help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Question for U.S. real estate experts?

keep getting these notices from companies telling me I've overpaid my real estate taxes, and they'll recover them for me provided I sign an agreement stating they get to keep half of the refund. I went to my county real estate tax website and put in my information, and it said I haven't overpaid anything so I don't qualify for any refund. But I keep getting these letters from private companies that say I do, and they'll get it for me if I sign the 50-50 agreement. Is there any other way for me to make sure the county doesn't owe me anything? I doubt the companies would be sending me the letters if they didn't stand to gain something.

Physics. I have absolutely no clue how to do this. please help me.?

One gallon of gas contains about 1 x 108 joules of energy. A 1000-kg car traveling at 20 m/s brakes and comes to a stop. Estimate how much gasoline it will take to bring the car back to the original speed. Factor in that only about 20% of the energy extracted from gasoline actually propels the car. The rest gets exhausted as heat and unburnt fuel. Explain how you came up with your answer.

Honda Magna VF750c (2002) won't idle?

Just replaced the battery, added fresh gasoline, but when starting bike, it won't idle past 1000 to 1500 rpms. Started bike with the choke out, but when putting choke back in or throttle open, bike stalls. Had service done two years ago, but bike has been sitting in garage since. Any suggestions as to what it could be?

About American Culture. Do women in US accept easilly to share expenses at home?

some women in the US don't work even if they don't have children because this is what their husbands want. but if a woman works and a man works, then they usually share the responsibility of the bills.

I have been with my boyfriend five years im 22 he is 30 i accuse him alot and nag him alot its like a disease?

i cant stop he takes care of home he does for my little girl and she is not his we have one on the way though and it will be his first child. My problem is that i found a condom in his coat pockett three years ago he said he didnt use them i found it again this year once and last year once i know he cud be lien but he swears me down he does not cheat. I wanna believe him and give him the benefit of the doubt. Should i forgive him....this man does anything for me and my child and now im carrying his first child do you all think he can change if he is cheating. I really cant say he is doing anything he is always with me and is in the house early everynight now since he found out im pregnant. were having a girl. How can we make this work? He does not seem to wanna be with anybody else he says he wants to get married and b a family idk what to do but i know i should stop nagging him so much being that he brings in the bread

Why did the NYT and Politico wait three days to report that rapper Common was to be a White House guest?

because it is not national news , get off your soapbox ,his lyrics are no worst than johnny cash, fox who drove this story into the ground and has ted nugent on all the time he said he would kill obama and clinton in 2007 at a concerta href="" rel="nofollow"…/a bush gave cash an award at the white house , but nobody cared because it is not news

Can you use 85 instead of 91 premium gasoline in 2000 Audi s4?

I have Audi S4 . The gas prices are just too much. If i start putting regular 85, will it plug up any of my systems of damage any valves?

Most Likely to win the Stanley Cup next year?

I dont think any team from the past stanley cup will be back next year, For the Bruins, they'll be missing rechi to retirement, and the canucks delt Ehrhoff to NY, i think Thomas had a once in a life time post season, they'll be back in the playoffs , but i doubt they wil be back fighting for the cup.. W

What are marines conditioned to?

So I was talking to a friend today and she expressed her concern about me getting hurt. She brought up the fact that I'm a single mom who's been happily living the last 3 years alone with just my job and my child. Also how I'm a ready made family who already can survive alone, and have a lot of love and fight in me. She mentioned that she doesn't doubt he loves me but that he may just want someone he loves and can handle to be there when he his but he may never really be as concerned as I am. Not because he doesn't care but because he's conditioned not to. She said that marines are conditioned to things like loyalty, leaving without long goodbyes, and not getting too close. Now loyalty, discipline, and other traits sure I can grasp that. But the things that are more personal and emotional.... Im not so sure. Could it be that some of the things we love in a person are not how they truly are and feel, but rather how they are conditioned to be?! I'm not buying into what my friend said, I love my boyfriend and if he feels like I'm STRONG enough to handle everything the marine family/spouse goes thru... then I say hell yeah! He clearly loves me and my son and is a FANTASTIC person all around. We have been dating almost a year. We were best friends who were secretly inlove before he joined the marines (almost 10yrs ago) and we're still inlove now and it just keeps getting better... but could some of what shes tryin to tell me even remotely close and if so... what kind of things are they conditioned to personally or emotionally?

Hey i just farted!!!!!!!!!!!?

it smells like gasoline, eggs, and beef ramen, who wants to smell. i farted in a bottle and i could mail it to you just leave your address.

Neon shaking when driving low speed what is cause?

Hi so i noticed today while driving at about 25-45 the car has this annoying minor shake when i drive its not a huge shake but it seems like it wobbles the car a little, at about 50 i ride smooth and there is no shake but the shake comes back when i decelerate, i just got new tires on the front and balanced them so i doubt it is not those it has to be the rear tires, today while driving my cook told me that my passenger wheel had a little wobble in it not huge but a little? any idea anyone?

What punishment will six individuals who committed a brutal murder and get away it have on judgement day?

my friend Patrick was a good man he was very loyal and understanding and exceptionally kind to everyone he worked hard to survive and support his daughter. six years ago six individuals who were known for trouble threw a bottle at his truck when he stopped getting into his truck he was beating unconscious and his truck was driven to a location in the countryside they took his wallet which if they asked him he would have gaven then anything they want. duct taped him into his truck making sure he wouldn't escaped poured gasoline and set the truck on fire with him in it. neighbors near by heard him screaming then a explosion, the judge was too lenient on them they are all out of prison now since 2006, except one who's doing time for drugs - what punishment will god have on judgement day for them for this?

Loud fireworks question?

Fireworks such as these can definitely have an impact on your body, but brain damage and "internal problems" as you state them are not examples. The types of damage that you can have from these would mainly be hearing loss due to the excessive noise. The only other examples would be if you have a sort of strobe piece, and someone with epilepsy, and sensitivity to strobes is watching. This can cause a seizure. Only other option would be if you didn't follow directions while lighting and externally injured yourself. Not brain damage though.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The energy properties of gasoline and hydrogen?

im looking to convert my truck to hydrogen hybrid, ive seen many people do this to increase there fuel milage substantially but how much hydrogen per minute would it take to be comparable to gasoline burned per minute at an idle. finding a middle point between small 2.2 liter engines up to 7 liters lets use a 4 liter engine as an example. please help, im not dumb but im no charlie epps either lol.

Do you think something like this would be rude?

My brother is getting shipped off to Afghanistan in a few days and I live on the other side of the country from him currently so I won't be around to say goodbye to him..... He has twin 5 year old nephews who he loves very much so I was thinking a nice pic of the boys saying goodbye in a cute way.. I was thinking maybe having the boys do a salute or something like that so it would have more meaning but I'm scared that might be rude? I don't know why though? Do you think that is a good idea and if not, do you maybe have any suggestions? Thanks in advance and please no unnecessary comments please....

A7X Critical Acclaim song meaning. help please?

It's talking about how the government lies to us and hides things from us. Also, how we are the cause of a lot of other countries' troubles.

Read this poem and tell me what you think?

Hey there Scott. Not bad. You're not taking reality too literally, and that made your poem interesting. In a way, this one reminded me of Randall Jarrell or Robert Lowell. You're analytical and you've got a good feel for those unimportant moments that make everyday life so g*dd*mn meaningful. You would improve your verse by paying more attention to the sound of each line, and I think you may have used too many words in this poem. As you progress, you'll develop a better sense of understatement--a few of your lines are frankly way too dramatic, and I'm being kind.

Can i set up a home WAN server with windows server 2003?

you probably need to switch to a bridged connection. hopefully your BSNL connection goes through a router or is a direct DHCP connection to the internet. If so, your guest will pick up its own unique IP once bridged. Assuming BsNL allows that...

What would you do in this situation?

About 20 people with guns and gasoline surround your house going to kill you you are all alone and afraid to move thinking you might get shot you have no telephone around to contact the police or anything.